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Worldwide Online Provider Of Databases And Data Lists


Below you will find our current payment and refund / replacement policy. Please read it carefully as this is the official policy in force at the present time. If you have any questions or comments about this policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Data Products & Services

Due to the nature of delivery with data files, and that they are not encoded or copy protected, all sales are final, and returns are not available or offered. If there are any questions you may have such as further statistical analysis, etc. please be sure to ask them first if the answer may impact your satisfaction level with the product.

BIG SOLUTIONS (LLC) works with hundreds of data brokers and providers to collaborate on data compilations, and in many cases a product license is a 'joined' license between multiple parties. Given the nature of data products as described above, and the need for multiple licensing distribution, refunds on data products are not available, and all data product sales are final.

Non-payment may result in your account being sent to collections, your credit standing with us being downgraded and possible litigation to recover payment. If you have questions or concerns, or you feel that you you have been charged incorrectly, please contact us IMMEDIATELY so that we can work together to find a solution. We prefer to work payment issues out in a positive way and we try not to resort to sending payments to collections or small-claims unless we have no recourse.

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